Parish Council Publications

Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council publishes a couple of documents each year. These are the Parish Bulletin and Parish Directory, which are distributed to every house in the parish. These and any other publications are available here:

Annual Parish Assembly 2024 (REPORTS)

The Annual Parish Assembly was held on 10 April 2024 at All Saints' Church. The reports delivered at the meeting, together with reports from various community organisations (please note: this version includes additional reports to the handouts on the night, including reports delivered on the evening), are available to view here:

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Parish Bulletin 2021

The Parish Bulletin of 2021 is available to view here:

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Parish Directory 2021

The Parish Directory 2021 is available to view here:

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Parish Bulletin 2020

The Parish Bulletin for 2020 is available to view here:

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Housing Needs Survey 2019 Report

In April 2019 a Housing Needs Survey was circulated to all residents. The Report is now available to view below:

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Parish Bulletin 2018

The Parish Bulletin 2018 is available to view online here:

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Parish Bulletin 2017

The Parish Bulletin 2017 is available to view here:

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Parish Bulletin 2016

The Parish Bulletin was published in September 2016 and distributed to every home in the Parish and is available here to view:

Parish Noticeboard

LW&GC Bulletin 2016

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Application for a resident organisation to be included in the Parish Directory

[wpforms id="1626" description="true"] If you wish to:

  • APPLY FOR ENTRY AS A NON-RESIDENT ORGANISATION IN THE LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH DIRECTORY. Businesses, clubs and societies outside of the Civil Parish Boundary may be considered for inclusion in the Parish Directory.  Inclusion is by approval of the Parish Council and may include a fee.  If you would like to apply for entry, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.
  • RE-ORDER COPIES OR MAKE AN AMENDMENT TO AN ENTRY IN THE LEEK WOOTTON & GUY’S CLIFFE PARISH DIRECTORY. If you would like to re-order a copy of this directory or request an existing entry within this Directory to be amended, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council.

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