Civic Service to celebrate the life of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

On behalf of the Church and the Parish Council, we would like to invite you to attend a Civic Service to celebrate the life of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. This will take place on Sunday, 18 April, beginning at 5:00pm in the Car Park of All Saints’ Church, Leek Wootton.

If you have any personal memories of Prince Philip that you would like to relate briefly as a part of our thanksgiving for his life, please do indicate this to me by midday on Saturday (email

ANYONE DRIVING TO THE SERVICE IS ASKED TO PARK ELSEWHERE AND WALK UP CHURCH LANE. We will reserve some space in the car park for those who, due to disability, are unable to walk far, but we will need to know in advance and ask that these vehicles arrive at least ten minutes before the service time. The service would be expected to last for around 45 minutes.

This service is being offered as an Act of Worship, and so there are no strict limits on numbers attending. However, it would be very helpful if people were able to indicate in advance their intention to attend. Please note that social distancing guidelines must be adhered to between ‘households’/’bubbles’ before, during and after the service, so please follow the directions of those who will be acting as stewards.

We hope that the various organisations and many households within the Parish will be represented at this special event.

Jim Perryman, Vicar
All Saints’ Church
&Richard Coates, Chairman
Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council