Community Live!

With dozens of local organisations and clubs on our doorstep, Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish Council’s Community Live! event brings them together with the community, so why not come along and find out what activities there are for you and your whole family?

The various clubs offer a wide range of activities for all ages: from sports and culture to nature and volunteering opportunities. Come meet people from the organisations, ask questions and join in.

If you don’t find something for you, then there is the Club Hub, where you can share your ideas and find out whether others would be interested in joining you.

Please get in touch if you would like to set up a table for your group:

Posts about Community Live:

Community Live! 2023

Saturday, 9 September 2023, 3:00-6:00pm
at Leek Wootton Village Hall, Recreation Ground and Sports Club

Community Live is a gathering of more than 30 local clubs, organisations and interesting individuals. Come see if you fancy trying something new, show others what you do, start a new club, or just have a nosey. It’s free to participate or peruse. Not only that, it will all be topped off with delicious burgers and a bar.

The Parish Council is also speaking to the Sports Club about screening the Rugby World Cup England -v- Argentina game on the big screen afterwards.

Some of those attending include:

  • Comedy at Work
  • Pop Voices
  • Warwick and Leamington Beekeepers
  • Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue
  • Closer to Nature (for kids)
  • Baby and Toddler Group
  • Explorers 
  • Cubs and Scouts
  • Brownies and Guides
  • Leek Wootton Sports Club: football and cricket
  • Hill Wootton Clay Club
  • Meeting House Artists
  • Nomades Club de Pétanque
  • Young at Heart
  • University of the 3rd Age
  • ProBus
  • Slava Knit
  • Scottish Country Dancing
  • Parish Environment Group
  • Leek Wootton Gardening Group
  • Ramblers
  • Leek Wootton Focus Group
  • Ladakh and Tibetan Society
  • Model Railway Society
  • Leek Wootton & Ashow Handbells
  • Mary's Meals
  • All Saints' Church Leek Wootton
  • Warwickshire Police community surgery
  • LW&GC Parish Council 

To find out more contact:
Steph Allison, LW&GC Parish Council
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Community Live - POSTPONED

Following the sad news of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s death, we have decided to postpone the Community Live event. 

There will now be a 10 day period of national morning, after which we hope to regroup.

Flowers will be laid on behalf of the Parish Council and the community at the memorial stone on the Recreation Ground in the morning.

A Book of Condolence has been opened at All Saints' Church, or an online Book of Condolence has been opened by Warwickshire County Council ... click here

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Community Live 2021

11 September saw the first Community Live event at Leek Wootton Village Hall, when over 25 different interest groups and clubs came together for members of the community to find their next hobby. Many groups reported new members signing up at the event and we will be running the same event next September, hopefully leading to an annual event.

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Community Live Event

Read more about the Community Live event on 11 September here:

Groups taking part so far include:

Cricket Club | Football Club
Beavers | Cubs | Explorers
Crochet & Knitting | Talisman Theatre

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