LW&GC Parish Summer Fête

Since 2016 Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe has held a parish-wide Summer Fête. The regular location is the Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground:

Information about the next fête and any upcoming planning meetings are available here, or to find out more, contact the Clerk

Summer Fête (POSTER)

The LW&GC Parish Summer Fête poster is available to view here as an image and a PDF - please feel free to circulate!

PDF Version:

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Summer Fete - second planning meeting

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Summer Fete 2023 - First planning meeting

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Latest news about the Big Jubilee Lunch, 5 June 2022

The following article was published in the Leek Wootton Link:

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Summer Fete 2021

Following the cancellation of the 2020 VE75 Summer Fete, due to COVID-19, the Council hoped to be able to hold a Summer Fete in 2021, but unfortunately this was not possible in line with the Government's Roadmap to Recovery and other events scheduled later in the summer.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 logo

The dates for 2022, which will be the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, are already in the diary (2-5 June 2022) and consideration is being given to making 2022 a bigger and better Summer Fete than ever!

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VE75 Change of plans!

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the VE75 Party and Fete was cancelled.

Instead, the community held a series of Stay at Home Street Parties, which brought the neighbours 'together' (appropriately socially distanced, of course) and helped enormously in these challenging times.

Images were captured in an article in The Leek Wootton Link:

Hopefully 2021 will bring an opportunity for the community to hold a proper Parish Summer Fete, as it will be the centenary of the Leek Wootton War Memorial Recreation Ground.

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VE75 Party & Fête

In 2020 the LW&GC Parish Summer Fête will take place on Friday, 8 May (bank holiday), to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day, along with the rest of the country.

In addition to the usual fête, there will be a children's tea party at 2:30pm, commemorative moments and other events taking place in the community later in the weekend.

More details to follow, or check out our Facebook page

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LW&GC Parish Summer Fête Poster

The Summer Fête 2019 poster is available here or as PDF download below:

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Summer Fête 2019 - Planning

Planning meetings for the 2019 Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Summer Fête take place at Leek Wootton Sports Club.

What we know so far:

Logo is available here:

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Summer Fête 2018

The Parish Summer Fête 2018 was held on Saturday, 16 June. Here are some photos:

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